Proof of Play Uses Helika's Advanced Analytics Platfom to Track Thousands of Assets Across Multiple Chains

Proof of Play gains visibility into their on-chain economy to create the premiere onchain gaming experience with Pirate Nation.


$250K Saved on in-house data analysts and engineers by using Helika as PoP’s analytics business extension partner.

78.35% current PLAYER RETENTION

48.05% return PLAYER RETENTION

Custom Retention Modules built to measure the strong retention rates of Pirate Nation holders and connect in-game data with onchain assets.
840K+ Onchain and In-game item tokens tracked across Ethereum, Arbitrum Nova, and Polygon merged in an aggregated dashboard.

What Helika Unlocks

Comprehensive PnL reporting including gas costs, royalties, and asset sales/transactions.
Custom public dashboards created to give the Pirate Nation community full transparency into the game’s economy with real time public analytics of all onchain & in-game assets.
Player Acquisition and deep funnel attribution, integrated with foundational analytics via Helika’s advanced Referral & Attribution modules.
Dedicated analyst support via regular calls and shared Slack channel to address custom requests thoroughly & efficiently saving Proof of Play money in data team resources.



I know that I can count on Helika to provide me with real time access to the data needed to understand what’s going on in Pirate Nation. No matter how complicated of a challenge I send their way, they always manage to deliver and exceed expectations.
We are onboarding select Studios to our platform. Drop your information here and we’ll be in touch soon.

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