How To Use Player Behavior Analysis For Web3 Games

How To Use Player Behavior Analysis For Web3 Games

Golden Cohort in Gaming

Data-driven decisions and analysis techniques are needed in today’s competitive game environment. With subtle changes being enough to cause massive valleys or peaks when it comes to engagement levels and other essential gaming metrics, it is becoming increasingly crucial for game developers to understand player behaviors and preferences. This understanding can be achieved through the use of player behavior analysis tools.

In this article, we’ll explore how interpretive and quantitative data can be gathered and used to analyze player behavior in Web3 games. From basic steps to advanced analysis techniques, we’ll cover everything you need to know about using player behavior analysis for your game.

What Is Player Behavior Analysis?

In simple terms, player behavior analysis refers to the process of collecting and analyzing data related to players’ actions, decisions, and preferences in a game environment. This information can be used by game developers to make informed decisions about game design, features, and updates.

Player behavior analysis is a combination of both interpretive and quantitative data. Interpretive data includes observations made by humans regarding player behavior, while quantitative data refers to numerical values that can be measured and analyzed. Together, these two types of data provide valuable insights into player behaviors.

How To Interpret Telemetry Data with Actionable Insights to Improve Game Design

User telemetry, often referred to as game telemetry, is a critical use of game data, offering valuable insights into player behavior. This data encompasses a broad spectrum of information, including player movements, in-game actions, purchasing habits, and interactions with both game elements and other players. By embedding specialized code within the game client, developers can seamlessly collect this data, gaining a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the player experience.

To understand how telemetry data can be used to improve game design, let’s take a look at one of our case studies with Wanderers. Using Helika’s ‘Telemetry as a Service’ along with insights from our data analysts, Wanderers was able to accurately capture data needed to identify key patterns and opportunities for improvement.

With game telemetry provided by Helika, Wanderers improved their game mechanics, enhanced player engagement and received insights that improved their marketing efforts. As a result, the game experienced 4.3x more levels playes with a 62% increase in progression efficiency. This led to a 5.9x increase of total minutes played.

Integrating telemetry into game development requires a series of strategic steps to ensure that the data collected is both insightful and actionable. The five steps are as follows:

  1. Choose Telemetry Platform
  2. Define Telemetry Events
  3. Instrument The Game Code
  4. Test & Validate Telemetry
  5. Analyze Telemetry Data

If you’d like to inquire about Helika’s Telemetry Services and leverage our professional data team to help improve your game, feel free to contact us for more information.

Observing Gameplay Patterns For Key Areas of Improvement

In addition to telemetry data, developers can also use player observation to gain insights into gameplay patterns and areas for improvement. This involves watching players play the game, either in person or through recorded gameplay footage.

By observing gameplay patterns, developers can identify common struggles or frustrations that players may encounter. They can also see how players interact with different mechanics and levels, providing valuable insights into what works well and what needs improvement.

This method of gathering feedback can be especially useful during the initial stages of game development. By observing a small group of players, developers can quickly identify and address any major issues or pain points before the game is released to a wider audience.

However, as the player base grows, individually observing each player becomes impractical. This is where telemetry data can supplement player observation, providing a broader and more in-depth understanding of gameplay patterns.

Game testers are valuable as they are able to provide feedback on different aspects of the game, but their observations are limited to their own experiences. Telemetry data, on the other hand, provides an objective and comprehensive view of all players’ actions and behaviors.

For example, a game tester likely has developed better than average motor skills and might not represent the average player’s experience, while telemetry data can show the overall difficulty curve and identify any bottlenecks or areas that need balancing.

Using Predictive Analytics For Individual Players

Player profiles are created within a target audience but often these profiles are broad and may not accurately represent individual players. With a snapshot of each individual’s actions within a game, developers can use data to create personalized gaming experiences for players. By studying player behavior patterns, game designers can understand each individual’s preferences and adjust gameplay accordingly.

Of course, this can be time consuming and exhausting without proper analytical tools. Manually observing each individual’s actions and trying to get a sense of what they prefer in a game can be overwhelming. This is where predictive analytics comes into play.

Predictive analytics utilizes machine learning and algorithms to analyze large sets of data and make accurate predictions about future outcomes. In the context of gaming, this can be used to anticipate player reactions and preferences based on their past actions. By understanding these patterns, developers can create personalized experiences for each player, increasing overall satisfaction and retention.

Helika serves as the leading analytics platform for the gaming industry. With our help, game developers have seen significant improvements in player satisfaction and retention by utilizing our analytics tool. By leveraging the power of data, we can help game developers understand their players on a deeper level and make informed decisions to enhance the gaming experience.

Considering The Social Interactions of Different Players

Social influence can often be overlooked during a data-centric approach to game development. However, analyzing the social interactions between players can provide valuable insights into player behavior. By observing the communication and collaboration between players, game developers can tailor their game to better meet the needs of their community. 

For example, if a particular group of players tends to work together more often, adding cooperative elements to the game could enhance their overall experience and increase player satisfaction. Additionally, by analyzing social interactions, developers can also identify potential areas of conflict between players and create systems to prevent or resolve them.

How Game Developers Can Use This Data

During the game development process, player preferences are often taken into consideration in order to create a successful and engaging game. However, with the rise of Web3 games and analytics companies such as Helika, player interactions can be researched on a deeper level to increase user experience. Even micro-improvements in player engagement can lead to better  player retention and increased profits for game developers.

Imagine a Web3 game where NFTs give players a distinct advantage. If there is a significant decrease in player interactions after the NFT is available for purchase, it may indicate that there is an unfair advantage given to players with more money. This data can then be used by game developers to balance the game and ensure a fair playing field for all players. Whether it be reducing the cost of NFTs or reducing the advantage that in-game item provides, analyzing player interactions can lead to better player retention rates.

Final Thoughts

It’s undoubtedly clear that player interactions play a crucial role in the success of any game. By utilizing data and analytics, game developers can gain a better understanding of their player base and tailor their game to meet their needs. This not only leads to improved player satisfaction but also increased profits for developers. 

With the advancements in technology and the opportunity to work with gaming analytics company such as Helika, developers are able to take their game development process to the next level and create engaging and successful games. 


Trusted by Web3 gaming leaders like Ubisoft, Maplestory, and Parallel, Helika is the leading Web3 analytics platform that unifies in-game, on-chain, and social data to deliver real-time insights and drive user growth.


Unlike on-chain-only analytics tools, Helika provides a complete view of player behavior—powered by expert analysts who deliver actionable insights to optimize engagement, retention, and monetization.


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